NJ2AS endorses Space, Fantasia, and Inganamort for Assembly and Senate in District 24 Republican Primary

Today the New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS) is announcing their endorsement of Assemblyman Parker Space for State Senate and Dawn Fantasia and Mike Inganamort for Assembly in the District 24 Republican Primary.

“We decided to let our membership know in Sussex, Morris, and Warren Counties that Space, Fantasia, and Inganamort have one of strongest, most active teams in the state defending Second Amendment rights,” said Alexander Roubian, President of NJ2AS.

“As an Assemblyman, Space has fought against every single one of the liberal Democrats schemes to further erode our basic rights to self-defense,” said Roubian. “He has showed a commitment to the issue and to advance our legislation on items such as concealed carry and reforming our inadequate and antiquated firearms licensing and permit system.”

Space is a sponsor of “shall issue” concealed carry and other legislative measures to improve New Jersey’s laws.  He steadfastly opposed Murphy’s latest scheme to make carry for self-defense in New Jersey almost non-existent.  Space also has been supportive of NJ2AS by speaking at our rallies and functions.

Dawn Fantasia, a Sussex County Commissioner, and Mike Inganamort, the Mayor of Chester Township, are no strangers to supporting Second Amendment rights Roubian stated.

“I know Dawn and Mike are sincere in their views in supporting firearms rights in New Jersey – especially for women who need it most. They will be vocal leaders at the State House battling the liberals there.”

As a Sussex County Commissioner, Fantasia saw to it that the Board passed the Second Amendment/Lawful Gunowner County resolution as well as various resolutions officially opposing Murphy on gun control.

Inganamort cut his teeth in New Jersey politics by working for Congressman Scott Garrett, who was New Jersey’s most pro-gun member of the State’s Congressional delegation for his 14 years in office. 

If elected, Fantasia and Inganamort promise to sponsor bills that will fix our concealed carry laws, allow women to protect themselves against violent criminals and predators with whatever tools they choose, end the discriminatory and racist war against minority and black gun ownership, and repeal New Jersey’s laws such as its ban on the possession of hollow-point ammunition, smart gun mandate, one gun a month, ban on commonly owned firearm magazines to name a few as well as reforming how New Jerseyans have to purchase firearms.

“Everyone knows that the current legislators in District 24 – Parker along with Steve Oroho and Hal Wirths – are top notch when it comes to not only their legislative records but also with communicating with pro-gun leaders and keeping us in the loop on the goings on in Trenton,” Roubian said. “Why recreate the wheel?  With Space in the Senate and adding Dawn and Mike to the Assembly will be beneficial to gun owners all over New Jersey.

“For gun owners in the 24th District, I urge them to vote for Space, Fantasia and Inganamort in the Republican Primary on June 6th.”

The 24th Legislative District includes all of Sussex County and portions of both Warren and Morris Counties:

Sussex County – (all) Andover Borough, Andover Township, Branchville, Byram, Frankford, Franklin, Fredon, Green, Hamburg, Hampton, Hardyston, Hopatcong, Lafayette, Montague, Newton, Ogdensburg, Sandyston, Sparta, Stanhope, Stillwater, Sussex Borough, Vernon, Walpack, Wantage

Morris County – Chester Borough, Chester Township, Mount Olive, Netcong, Roxbury, Washington Township

Warren County – Allamuchy, Independence

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