Moms Demand Action hosts event with illegal “large-capacity” magazines, “ghost gun” parts and tools, bayonet, and live ammunition

On Saturday, October 19, 2019, Moms Demand Action, an organization that claims they advocate for “firearm safety” and “common sense gun laws,” held a “Firearms 101 Presentation” with guest speaker Scott Pappalardo. Their : “Guest speaker Scott Pappalardo, a gun owner and volunteer leader in Moms Demand Action, presents firearms basics–how they work, how they are classified and how the permitting process works in NJ and in other states across the country. Our intention is to prepare non-gun owning volunteers to have knowledgeable conversations about gun violence prevention with gun owners they meet at tables or events…or in their everyday lives.” Scott Pappalardo made national news in 2018 when he cut his AR-15 in half “if it would save the life of just one child.”
Scott Pappalardo displaying his AR-15 after cutting the barrel. Scott Pappalardo/Facebook
At the meeting it appears that several New Jersey laws were violated. The guest speaker, Scott Pappalardo, possessed several “large-capacity” magazines, unserialized 80% AR15 lower receivers, and the parts and tools to complete the lower receivers to functioning AR-15 rifles, and possessed a large bayonet.
“Large-capacity” magazines, unserialized AR-15 lower receivers, and large bayonet that Scott Pappalardo possessed
Scott Pappalardo’s business card from October 19, 2019 meeting 
In June 2018, Moms Demand Action applauded the New Jersey legislature for passing laws that would ban “large-capacity” magazines that reduces a firearm ammunition magazine from 15 rounds down to 10 rounds and bans “ghost gun” parts and tools. New Jersey’s “large-capacity” magazine law 2C:39-3j, states:
“Any person who knowingly has in his possession a large capacity ammunition magazine is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree…”
“Large-capacity” magazines are defined by NJ law 2C:39-1y as:
“…a box, drum, tube or other container which is capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition to be fed continuously and directly therefrom into a semi-automatic firearm.”
The prohibition and ban of “large-capacity” magazines has been widely supported by gun control organizations, such as Moms Demand Action. By transporting a “large-capacity” magazine anywhere in New Jersey a person would violate New Jersey law 2C:39-9h that states:
“Any person who manufactures, causes to be manufactured, transports, ships, sells or disposes of a large capacity ammunition magazine which is intended to be used for any purpose other than for authorized military or law enforcement purposes by duly authorized military or law enforcement personnel is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree.”
Pappalardo possessed unserialized AR15 lower receivers and explained how easy it is to produce a firearm at home. Moms Demand Action and their members have supported the ban of these tools and parts to be able to create your own firearm. Their website applauded the passing of these bills by stating “…which would prohibit ghost guns, untraceable firearms that people can build themselves, avoiding background check requirements…” New Jersey law 2C:39-9k states:
“Purchasing firearm parts to manufacture a firearm without a serial number.  In addition to any other criminal penalties provided under law, a person who, with the purpose to manufacture or otherwise assemble a firearm and without being registered or licensed do so as provided in chapter 58 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes, purchases or otherwise obtains separately or as part of a kit a firearm frame or firearm receiver which is not imprinted with a serial number registered with a federally licensed manufacturer or any combination of parts from which a firearm without a serial number may be readily manufactured or otherwise assembled, but which does not have the capacity to function as a firearm unless manufactured or otherwise assembled is guilty of a crime of the third degree. Notwithstanding the provisions of N.J.S.2C:1-8 or any other law, a conviction under this subsection shall not merge with a conviction for any other criminal offense and the court shall impose separate sentences upon a violation of this subsection and any other criminal offense.”
Pappalardo also possessed a large bayonet which could be a violation of NJ 2C:39-5d which states:
Other weapons.  Any person who knowingly has in his possession any other weapon under circumstances not manifestly appropriate for such lawful uses as it may have is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree.
Live ammunition ranging from .50BMG to 5.56 AR15 ammunition was also possessed by Pappalardo. Pappalardo presented at the William G. Rohrer Memorial Library, which is situated between four local schools. It is unknown at this time if possessing ammunition in gun-free school zones is a violation of state or federal law. Giffords Law Center and Moms Demand Action have both supported stricter laws to prohibit ammunition possession in school zones.
Four local schools surrounding the library that Scott Pappalardo possessed live ammunition, “large-capacity” magazines, and ghost gun parts and tools.
Scott Pappalardo discussing how to finish the AR-15 to a functioning firearm
Scott Pappalardo explaining how to finish the AR-15 to a functioning firearm
The National Rifle Association (NRA), the nation’s largest firearm safety and education organization, strictly forbids live ammunition anywhere except during live-fire practices in the gun range. A local NRA Instructor and Training Counselor from ScotShot LLC agreed. “Live ammunition is expressly forbidden in all NRA classroom activities. Every course slide deck has this clearly stated.”
Third degree crimes are 3 to 5 years in State’s Prison and up to a $15,000 fine per offense. Fourth degree crimes are up to 18 months in State’s Prison and up to a $10,000 fine per offense.   The Attorney General’s office, Governor Murphy’s administration, and the Haddon Township police have not responded for comment. This is a developing story. It will be updated.

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