Well… here we go again! New Jersey’s draconian gun laws and overzealous prosecutors have once again entrapped an innocent Pennsylvanian woman. Meg Fellenbaum – apparently a danger to society in New Jersey, but not Pennsylvania – allegedly committed the horrific crime of having her firearms locked in the truck of her car while driving to pick up her girlfriend. However shocking this may be to anti-Second Amendment activists, no one was victimized by Meg’s actions.

Despite not posing any threat – after a year of terror inflicted upon her by New Jersey’s (in)justice system, prosecutors successfully broke Meg down and frightened her into accepting a plea deal of one year in prison (instead of facing trial and up to 13+ years in prison if she did not accept the plea deal).I wish we were making this up, but this is New Jersey… Without going into all the details and injustices with her case (some of which we’ve already addressed in previous stories which you can read by clicking here) we are requesting everyone call Governor Christie to urge him to pardon her before he leaves office.Please call and/or write to Governor Christie:609-292-6000Office of the GovernorPO Box 001Trenton, NJ 08625We will be calling every day until she is pardoned; we ask you stand with us and make a simple call, too, or write a letter regarding this terrible injustice. We have gotten to know Meg Fellenbaum over the past year and we cannot think of a better example of someone who has been entrapped by New Jersey’s ridiculous laws that seek to criminalize honest Americans!If you would like to donate to Meg’s legal defense fund please use this link to donate so we can assist with her legal expenses. As many of you know, the State of New Jersey fights innocent people with endless taxpayer funds while we have to get second mortgages on our homes to defend ourselves. So even if you win, you still lose.
Once again, we ask that you call and write every day until she is pardoned by Gov. Christie. This madness needs to stop!