Myself and the New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS) proudly support and endorse Anthony Colandro to represent New Jersey on the Board of Directors at the nation’s foremost civil-rights organization, the National Rifle Association (NRA).

Anthony’s charisma, energy, drive, and enthusiasm to defend and protect the Second Amendment, not only in New Jersey, but nationwide, makes him the perfect candidate for the job. His life-time commitment and support of of the Second Amendment and all civil rights qualify him to be the best candidate for the job.

Anthony has spent his life fighting for our rights, defending our Constitution, and helping those being discriminated against to learn how to defend themselves. His outreach and support for minority and LGBTQ communities has empowered thousands. Let’s re-elect Anthony Colandro to a three-year term to the NRA Board of Directors so his message of unity, love, and solidarity can continue.

Voting members are 5-consecutive-year NRA members or fully paid NRA life members. The ballots will either arrive in your NRA magazine or in a separate mailing. You can find out more by visiting Anthony’s website by clicking here.


Alex “Alejandro” Roubian

NJ2AS – President

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