“We tried doing things the nice way. This is just the beginning. There will be consequences.” – Alexander Roubian, NJ2AS President
Despite putting our best foot forward and attempting to work with legislators, we once again have been betrayed and stabbed in the back by the very legislators that promised “NJ has enough gun laws.” As stated before: there will be consequences, and here is the plan moving forward.
Operation Establish Compliance X (OEC-X):
We are resurrecting one of our most successful operations to date. In 2011, we launched a program called Operation Establish Compliance. For those who remember OEC and ask why it was ended, we will address those concerns at another time. However, the goal was simple: go after government agencies that are not following NJ laws in respect to applying for a firearm permit. Tired of extended delays? Tired of having government agents call your workplace and harass your boss about you applying for a gun permit? Tired of having to turn over information that is not required by law to exercise a constitutional right? We are bringing back Operation Establish Compliance but this time on steroids! OEC-X will stop this madness from occurring. If we accidentally break the law they lock us up for 10+ years; when the government breaks their own laws they expect a pass. We vow to end this. Have a tip or know of a town/city that is trampling on your Second Amendment rights? To learn more about OEC-X and how to submit a confidential tip click here. Please include the name of the town/city and any supporting information you have.
Operation Spotlight:
We will continue to document, go undercover, and expose the corruption and hypocrisy by NJ legislators and government agents that are breaking the law and stripping us of our fundamental rights. If they act like criminals, protect criminals (by making us easy and defenseless victims), then they are most likely criminals, and we will expose them. Our work has created national news, caused national conversations during presidential primaries, and has created direct consequences for those stripping our rights away. We will stop at nothing to push for federal corruption and official misconduct charges against those who are violating their oath and our rights. We are currently working on several major investigations that we believe will uncover and expose corruption in NJ and send some prominent anti-Second Amendment politicians to jail! We do not care who or where; we will confront you and expose you.
Operation Boycott:
NJ2AS has been working with firearm-related companies who are willing to take the fight to NJ. These companies have agreed to not sell to any NJ government agency that does not support the Second Amendment and trust their citizens with the same tools the police and government use to protect themselves. So far we have identified over 175 companies that have promised to support and stand for the Second Amendment or are interested in our project. We need your help to make it a reality and that is why we need all hands on deck to send a strong message to our legislators that if they believe in two classes of people, the firearm industry will not supply the enemy (NJ government). Clearly the government does not care about our safety and how we protect ourselves (remember Carol Bowne), so why should we care about them.
National Reciprocity:
We worked like hell to lobby on the federal level and get NJ congressmen to either sign on as a sponsor or support the national reciprocity bill (HR38). We prevailed! However, things are at a standstill in the Senate and we need every single senator to know why national reciprocity is important and the terror we deal with in NJ. We vow to fight every day for national reciprocity until it gets signed by President Trump. Can we count on you to make this a reality by becoming a member or donor?
How can you help?
To launch our new programs, we will be giving away a Modern Materiel AR15 from our sponsor Modern Materiel! Also, the winner of this rifle will receive a free 3 Hour training session from Joe Savio of Modern Materiel/G S T, where they will learn the safety and operation of the AR15.
Lastly, we ask that you share this article with your friends, family, and social media. Together we will fight back and make our voices heard!