NJ Senator Robert Menendez (D) (left) pictured with Democratic Operative James Devine (right)

Longtime Union County Democratic operative James Devine has shown his true colors in response to the shooting of Republican Congressman Steve Scalise. Devine, unapologetic with his words, is calling for a “hunt” of Republicans under the hashtag #HuntRepublicanCongressmen.
He also claims he was not advocating for violence, which might be believable to people who think law-abiding citizens protecting their Second Amendment rights are responsible for violence in America.
In fact, he claims he was mirroring GOP Senator Rand Paul’s comment that the Second Amendment is for “shooting at the government when it becomes tyrannical.” His idea of a tyrannical government, however, is one that opposes gun control…
New Jersey gun owners know this type of logic isn’t limited to Devine, but common among the state’s representatives, including his good friend Senator Bob Menendez. Below is a recent tweet where he has called for repealing the Second Amendment, a senseless idea popular within his political network.

This is what we’re up against here in New Jersey. If you want to be a part in turning back the tide on gun control in New Jersey, make sure to join NJ2AS today!
Remember, everyone who joins NJ2AS in the month of June, donates $20 or more, or becomes an NJ2AS Frontline Donor, will automatically be entered into our June Giveaway for a chance to win an NJ-Compliant Sig Sauer M400 SWAT Rifle! So join the fight for gun rights in New Jersey and earn a chance to win an awesome rifle that the anti-gunners would hate you to have.