Phil Murphy will be the next governor of New Jersey, and like others within the Second Amendment community, I’ve thought hard about what went wrong for our preferred candidates and have consulted with a diverse group of Second Amendment activists for how best to move forward following Murphy’s devastating victory. Simply put, we don’t have time to pity ourselves, and the New Jersey Second Amendment Society is already formulating new political strategies and developing citizen action plans to counter the Murphy Administration. For those ready to get involved and help fight back, the following is our framework moving forward, and we’d love to hear your ideas and feedback:
First – This is not a sprint, and barring any unforeseen changes, we’ve got four years of battles ahead of us – two of which will definitely include a supermajority for Democrats in the state legislature. Not only do we need all hands on deck, but it’s important we aren’t easily discouraged or wasting energy bickering instead of focusing on spreading our message.
Second – All the money in the world won’t stop the Murphy-Bloomberg-Soros campaign to strip us of our second amendment rights, but we – – yes, you and I – can stop their tyrannical legislative agenda in New Jersey with something money cannot buy: passion! This is a call to action – knock on doors, call your elected officials, speak out at public meetings – whatever it takes before it’s too late. And while we at NJ2AS understand our hard-working supporters have busy schedules – especially during the holiday season – everyone putting in just 3-5 hours a week can make a gigantic difference.
Third – I would like to emphasize that Phil Murphy and his cronies in the legislature are not dictators, despite their wishes. We can and will fight back against any attacks on the Second Amendment. As our members already know, we have been successful with getting pro-second amendment legislation sponsored on the federal level and have achieved legal victories against the state like no other New Jersey organization.