On shall-issue concealed carry, Christie said the following:
“for decades, law-abiding residents of New Jersey have had their Second Amendment right to self-protection burdened by gun laws that are among the most unreasonable in the country. . . . Rather than doubling down on the unreasonable requirements for law-abiding residents of New Jersey to obtain a concealed carry permit, I propose having New Jersey join the 42 other states that have adopted a “shall-issue” standard for approving such applications.”
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Stand with us in calling on Governor Christie to veto every bill the legislature sends him until we have shall-issue concealed carry by signing this petition. Please call the Governor’s office to thank him for his bold actions and ask that he follow Governor Schwarzenegger’s example and veto every single piece of legislation until they send shall-issue right-to-carry legislation to his desk. His office number is: 609-292-6000