On March 26th, 2018, leaders of NJ2AS will be attending the Gun Owner Rally in Trenton. We will be there to stand in solidarity during this critical moment in American history because unity is key.
We’re living in an era where parents taking their kids to the gun range triggers anti-gun paranoia and school administrators conducting “evaluations” that lead to unwarranted punishments. If you haven’t already, watch the video below:
A dangerous governor is leading the fight from the front door into the house and confiscation is clearly on his mind. Now is not the time to be passive, NJ2AS urges all of our members and all gun-rights advocates to attend and voice their opposition to Phil Murphy’s anti-Second Amendment agenda.
Martin Luther King, Jr said that “the right to defend one’s home and one’s person when attacked has been guaranteed through the ages by common law.” Unfortunately, New Jersey Democrats like Phil Murphy, Loretta Weinberg and others will do everything in their power to strip us of that guarantee.
This is another opportunity, as NJ2AS did in 2013, to make noise and show unity in the face of tyranny. Let’s make sure our governor and legislators here us loud and clear when we say – not one more draconian law to turn gun owners into prisoners.
Time: 10:45 a.m.
Location: NJ Republican State Committee, 150 West State Street, Suite 230, Trenton NJ 08608.
Discussion: Arming and hardening school security; proposed NJ firearm laws
Alexander Roubian, NJ2AS President
NJ2AS Leadership
Joe Savio, NJ2AS Firearm Instructor and GST Firearm Training Academy President
Senator Steve Oroho
Assemblyman Hal Wirths
Assemblyman Parker Space
Steve Lonegan, Candidate for 5th Congressional District
And many other elected officials
Rally details are as follows:Date: Monday March 26, 2018
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (approx.)
Place:Trenton War Memorial, 1 Memorial Drive, Trenton, NJ 08608. Alternate address for GPS: 1 West Lafayette Street, Trenton, NJ 08608.
Weather: Rain or shine. Be prepared and dress appropriately for all weather conditions.
Directions: Click here or here for driving directions from all points.
By supporting NJ2AS this month you could win a Sig Sauer M400 Rifle! Click here to enter our March Giveaway! Proceeds go towards helping us with undercover investigations, lawsuits, and activism. Join NJ2AS today and become a proud card-carrying member by clicking here! Become a part of the fight for the Second Amendment in New Jersey before it is too late!