NJ2AS claims another victory after the Ramsey Borough Council tabled its proposed ordinance banning all gun ranges in the borough last night.
The Council said they are allowing time for their law firm, Troutman Sanders, to do research on case law for the lawsuit we have promised them if this ordinance passes. Perhaps our illumination of Troutman Sanders relationship to the Mayor of Ramsey may have changed their attitude a bit. For those of you unfamiliar with the situation regarding the law firm that agreed to take Ramsey’s case in court, watch the video below.
In a NorthJersey.com article, their lawyer erroneously cited a case from the 4th circuit upholding Maryland’s “assault weapon” ban as “good case law for us.” We have no idea why they would think that because that case had absolutely nothing to do with banning all gun ranges in a town. This is of course after he and the Mayor previously mocked NJ2AS President Alexander Roubian for pretending to be a “constitutional scholar” for citing case law from other Circuits, yet then they turn around and cite case law from the Forth Circuit and portray themselves as experts. For those unfamiliar NJ is the Third Circuit. But that comment only hardened our desire to move forward with the lawsuit if the ordinance passes, because if that is a preview of the quality of their legal defense, this will be an even easier victory than we expected.
This battle isn’t over though, they’re going to be back. If you want to be a part of this, and many other battles for the Second Amendment in New Jersey, then Join NJ2AS or make a donation today! Definitely at least sign up to our email list if you want to be kept up to date on gun rights in New Jersey.