This morning the United States Supreme Court rescheduled the Peruta case again, which could restore concealed carry in NJ if taken up. Second Amendment advocates are eagerly watching the courts to see what the court will do with this case, because if the court were to strike down California’s concealed carry laws, New Jersey’s would be on the chopping block as well.
The Court has rescheduled the case for their conference on the 15th of June. We will not know the results of that conference until the following Monday, the 19th of June.
Previously we mentioned a number of reasons why they could be rescheduling the case repeatedly. These reasons, however, make less sense now considering that this serial rescheduling has been going on since March. We are remaining optimistic though considering that the Supreme Court has not taken a Second Amendment Case since 2010.
There is scuttlebutt about Justice Kennedy soon retiring though, and this may be related to that, but we’ll just have to wait and see.
In the event the case is not taken up, NJ2AS has our own lawsuits planned. Help us out with the lawsuits by joining NJ2AS today, Donating or becoming an NJ2AS Frontline Donor. Additionally, anyone who joins NJ2AS, Donates a minimum of $20 or becomes an NJ2AS Frontline donor, will automatically be entered into our June Giveaway for a chance to win an NJ-Compliant Sig Sauer M400 SWAT Rifle! So join or donate today! If you want to be automatically be entered into every giveaway NJ2AS holds, make sure to become an NJ2AS Frontline Donor! So join today and become a part of the fight for the Second Amendment in New Jersey!