The Supreme Court put off the Peruta case, which could restore concealed carry in NJif taken up, again this morning. Second Amendment advocates are eagerly watching the courts to see what the court will do with this case, because if the court were to strike down California concealed carry laws, New Jersey’s would be on the chopping block as well.
There are a few reasons why this could be happening:
1) New Justice Neil Gorsuch is still playing catch-up reading the over 200 cases the court was reviewing when he was confirmed to the court and has not yet read Peruta. This seems less likely since the case actually made it to conference last Friday and was not rescheduled beforehand.
2) There are 3 justices that want to take the case, out of the four necessary, and there is haggling over the votes.
3) There are 4 justices who want to take the case, but are doing their due diligence to see if they can get to the magic number 5 to overturn it.
4) The case is being denied and the Justices who wanted to take it are writing a lengthy dissent.
At the time of this writing, the Supreme Court’s website has not yet updated the Peruta file, which you can view here. We imagine that it will be scheduled for the next available conference on May 11th. We will keep you updated as we get new information.
NJ2AS has its own lawsuits planned as well. If this ruling goes in our favor, we’ll have even more ammunition to use against the anti-gunners in court. We’re going to restore our Second Amendment rights in New Jersey no matter what it takes. If you want to be a part of the fight, make sure to join today, or make a donation.