It’s Official: Judge Signs Order Overturning NJ’s Ban on Tasers and Stun Guns


A week and a half ago NJ2AS informed you of our court victory which got the State of New Jersey to admit in court that its ban on taser and stun guns was an unconstitutional violation of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution that recognizes our right to keep and bear arms. Well we mentioned in that article that all that was needed for it to be official was for a judge to sign it.

Well the Judge signed it. 

Don’t go out and buy a taser just yet though, the State has been given 180 days to promulgate regulations on the purchasing, possession and carrying of tasers and stun guns. So we have to either wait for the full 180 days to elapse, or for the State to pass laws legalizing tasers. Whichever comes first.

NJ2AS will keep you updated on any new developments related to this case.

This is what your dues and donations go towards. The more money we have, the more cases we can file to strike down New Jersey’s draconian and unconstitutional gun control laws! So join or donate today and help us keep the state on defense. We need your support to make a difference in this state. No one is coming to rescue us, it is on us to fight back. Everyone who joins NJ2AS, renews their membership or donates $20 or more will automatically be entered into our April Giveaway for a chance to win a MODMAT-15 Rifle from Modern Materiel. So join today! Help the fight and get a chance to win an awesome rifle!

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