The Borough of Ramsey has tabled its ordinance banning gun ranges from the town for a fifth time now. They have posted the agenda for the upcoming meeting this Wednesday, the 26th, and the Ordinance is listed as tabled. Unfortunately, it is also listed as “unfinished business” as well…
You can read the agenda for yourself here.
NJ2AS is keeping tabs on the situation and will keep you updated on any developments as they occur. Our promise to file a lawsuit still stands if the ordinance is passed and Ramsey attempts to ban gun ranges in the Borough. We hope they aren’t trying to wait us out on this issue hoping we forget, we’re still watching and waiting.
One thing is for certain though, Ramsey intends to drag this fight out for as long as they can. We intend to to win though. Help support the fight by joining NJ2AS today or making a donation. Anyone who joins/renews their membership, or makes a donation of $20 or more, will automatically be entered in our April Giveaway for a chance to win a MODMAT-15 rifle from Modern Materiel. Support the cause by joining or donating today!