We mentioned last week that the US Supreme Court could take up a case that could restore our concealed carry rights here in NJ. Today we were expecting news about whether or not the court would take the case, however it appeared that in the last minute before the conference, the case was rescheduled to another conference. The good news is that the court is still considering the case and it has been redistributed for conference on the April 21st.
According to this Bloomberg article, Neil Gorsuch was originally intended to be at the April 13th conference where the Peruta case was set to be discussed. However, at last minute, he decided he needed time to catch up on everything else the court is doing, and read over the hundreds of other cases the court is currently discussing. Neil Gorsuch is the first associate justice since Samuel Alito in 2006 to take his seat in the middle of a court term. What that means is that he has to catch up with everything the court has done for the entire term. He is essentially like a kid who missed 3 months of school and now needs to do loads of make up work to catch up with the rest of his classes.
The fact that Peruta was taken from that conference, and rescheduled, bodes well for us. It could mean that the Court is very interested in the case and wanted all the justices to be there to discuss it. Currently the the case is only listed as rescheduled, and does not have a specific date attached to it as of the time of this writing. We will keep you updated as we get more information.
NJ2AS has its own lawsuits planned as well. If this ruling goes in our favor, we’ll have even more ammunition to use against the anti-gunners in court. We’re going to restore our Second Amendment rights in New Jersey no matter what it takes. If you want to be a part of the fight, make sure to join today, or make a donation. Everyone who joins NJ2AS, renews their membership or donates $20 or more will automatically be entered into our April Giveaway for a chance to win a MODMAT-15 Rifle from Modern Materiel. So join today! Help the fight and get a chance to win an awesome rifle!