As New Jersey’s largest and most effective results-oriented Second Amendment organization, we have become overwhelmed with inquiries about Republican congressional candidate John McCann and his position on the Second Amendment. We feel it is best to address everyone’s concerns about John McCann in a short statement.
After speaking with McCann, an attorney campaigning in New Jersey’s Fifth Congressional District, he claims that he is a solid supporter of the Second Amendment. Since we have heard it a million times: “I support the Second Amendment, but…” we at NJ2AS have a much more thorough vetting process when it comes to an aspiring congressman. And from what we have heard so far, we are definitely not switching NJ2AS’ endorsement from Steve Lonegan, who is currently battling McCann for the Republican nomination in the 5th district.
Lonegan, who has been a long-time supporter of gun owners in New Jersey, has a long history of his vocal positions on exactly where he stands in support of our constitutional rights. Though McCann talks a good game, there’s not much of a record to dissect, and some of his closest friends and supporters are not exactly Second Amendment supporters. Actually, they reflect and define the core definition of the enemy of the Second Amendment.
Specifically, Ramsey Mayor Deirdre Dillon, who stood with Moms (paid by Mike Bloomberg to) Demand Action against the development of a gun range immediately off Route 17 in the Bergen County town. We are dumbfounded by the fact that John McCann could claim enormous support of the Second Amendment but his closest supporter and cheerleader fought tooth and nail to ban gun ranges. And for the record, many courts throughout the country have ruled against banning of gun ranges, because part of the Second Amendment is being proficient in it and banning gun ranges is unconstitutional.
Mayor Deirdre Dillon, a so-called Republican, epitomizes this toxicity and divisiveness against the Second Amendment and John McCann stands by her side while simultaneously claiming he supports the Second Amendment. Frankly speaking, this is exactly what gun owners are sick of hearing and dealing with. Remember when Republicans claimed national reciprocity was going to be priority number one if they got elected in 2016?
When we confronted McCann regarding the Ramsey situation, he deflected that it was a “land-use issue,” not a Second Amendment issue. We at NJ2AS strongly disagree with that position. Instead of condemning Mayor Dillion’s attack on the Second Amendment, he chose to condone it. This was a huge mistake and sends the wrong message to the thousands of members we have in New Jersey’s Fifth Congressional District.
If voters want to elect someone to Congress that will actively fight for our rights, it is clear that the choice is Steve Lonegan.