4 Years After Carol Bowne Was Murdered, Gov. Murphy Makes it Harder For Women to Protect Themselves

Today marks exactly 4 years that Carol Bowne was murdered by her violent ex-boyfriend, Michael Eitel, while she waited frantically for her firearm permit to get “processed” by the Berlin, NJ, police department. Scared for her life she got a restraining order against her violent ex-boyfriend, but she knew that would not be enough. Standing […]
NJ2AS Delivers Victory for Jackson Township Residents! Is Your Town Next?

Will you help us build momentum for our next victory? As we recently shared, Jackson Township Chief of Police Matthew Kunz was requiring Jackson residents to submit fingerprints every two years in order to obtain subsequent firearms permits, even though state law only requires submitting fingerprints once. Last night NJ2AS attended the Jackson Township Council meeting to publicly […]
Jackson Council meeting

Jackson Township Council meeting: Tuesday, May 28, 2019, 7:30 p.m. Jackson Township Municipal Building, 95 W Veterans HighwayJackson, NJ 08527
Another “Common Sense Gun Law” Success Story: 10 Shot in Trenton Drive-By

Two suspected gunmen opened fire outside of Ramoneros Liquor & Bar in Trenton, New Jersey. The gunmen fired over 30 shots that injured 10 people, all of whom are expected to recover. As expected, New Jersey bureaucrats began blaming “gun violence” on “loose guns laws,” the federal government, and even the weather. They blame everything except the actual […]
Complaint filed against Jackson Township Police Department for violating NJ firearm laws
Our citizen advocates have alerted us that Chief Kunz is arbitrarily requiring firearm applicants to submit their fingerprints for a handgun permit if it has been more than two years since they last provided them. Chief Kunz is brazenly not following New Jersey state law, administration code and guidelines and undermining the Second Amendment freedoms […]
BREAKING: NJ2AS filing complaints against police departments for violating firearm laws

Attorney General Finally Responds to Supreme Court Conceal Carry Case

The entire response from the NJ Attorney General’s office can be read by clicking here. According to Attorney General Grewal the “justifiable need” standard does not violate the Constitution because government agents are allowed to carry firearms while on duty and it is hypothetically possible for someone to get a carry permit so it is ok. […]
Comparing Second Amendment to dog licenses, Gov Murphy wants to increase taxes and fees on guns and ammo

At the Budget Address Gov Murphy stated: “This is an unfinished item from last year’s to-do list. Let’s commit to completing this effort, together. And, I renew my call for us to increase the fees for gun licenses and handgun permits. It was long past time we did this last year, when we took so […]
Gov Murphy to propose fee increase for firearm permits. Modern day poll tax?

Governor Murphy has expressed support to raise the fees in the past. ”It’s hard to believe it’s actually cheaper to get a permit to purchase a handgun, which is $2, than it is to get a dog license in practically any town in our state,” Murphy said at a June 13, 2018, bill signing. We […]
Facing scandals and a drop in approval rating Gov. Murphy hosts “gun safety” meeting and announced Gun Control 2.0